* Our vision is to develop a knowledge Based Society with clarity of thoughts and charity in deeds, committed to serve humanity with integrity.   

Art and craft club

  • Art and craft enriches young children's experience, motivates and helps them to develop positive attitude towards the school and life beyond the formal education.
  • Apart from these we encourage extracurricular activities for the kind in terms of developing all around skills of the students.
  • Every Saturday students are involved in various activities like Yoga, Karate, Dance, Painting, Music as per their interest.
  • All the activities are organized among the four houses of the school.
  • Most of the activities are based on the syllabi of the school
  • Parents must encourage their wards to take active participation in all these activities.
  • Continuous practice a and perseverance is the only road to success.
  • Art and Craft helps children to give shape and colour to their imagination and thus enhance their learning experience.