* Our vision is to develop a knowledge Based Society with clarity of thoughts and charity in deeds, committed to serve humanity with integrity.   

Principal's Message

Dear students.

Brothers of St Gabriel Education Society feels privileged that you are a part of our prestigious family.

It’s our persistent effort to let you grow in with our motto of LOVE, PEACE, JUSTICE and FRIENDSHIP.

Being a man/woman of great tenacity, moral values, being goal oriented, resilient, altruistic and benevolent – ensures that you are blossoming like a true Monfortian.

From the time of inception, it’s been an ardent effort of Montfort School to impart Value and Knowledge based education to one and all; imbibing the spirit of being a good citizen of our nation and be an epitome for others, to be followed and honoured.

Education helps in the mental and intellectual nourishment and growth of a person. Without education an individual cannot progress intellectually, and cannot develop skills and capacities to work. Education fosters the enlightenment, empowerment and emancipation of society.

Education is the backbone of a socially, economically and politically just and strong society.

One who is educated possesses the knowledge and awareness to live life meaningfully in harmony with other humans and the world around. Through the role that education plays in the mental and intellectual advancement of individuals, it also helps in the physical, emotional and spiritual growth of the persons. Study and learning transform the life of a person.

Montfort School aspires to do it’s bit and make an ardent effort to help transform the life of people by imparting quality based education for a person to be able to have a better means of life and survival.